I recently attended an online webinar by Michael Hyatt where he outlined the sins of productivity. This topic piqued my interest not only because I am all about getting stuff done (work smarter, not harder!) but I am also part of a worldwide workforce where employees are expected to be available 24/7, ready to drop everything to focus on whatever was just put on their plate.
Living in reactive-mode leaves us unable to focus on the real work that needs to be done. Work that grows the business. Work that takes focused planning, thought, creativity. Work that’s not urgent, but important. Here are my favorite takeaways:
- End work on time tonight – no matter what.
- Kill distractions the next time you’re working on a project.
- Take a machete to your task list.
- Stop to impose order on one unruly space or system this week. (Clean up that desk!)
- Block out 4 hours of unresponsive time this week.
Will you join in the challenge to implement at least one of these tips this week? As you do, take note of how it affects your productivity and share your observations in the comments below!