The roux croux is heading to The Global Leadership Summit Thursday and Friday (August 6-7, 2015). Bill Hybels and his team have a fantastic group of speakers lined up for the event.
Of the many great speakers on the agenda, I am most anticipating Brene’ Brown. She is the author of several books, but I always fall back the first one I read — The Gifts of Imperfection. What really caused me to purchase that book was the subtitle — Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You are. It seared right to the center of my sweet southern girl heart.
It’s been five years since the book was released, but I have returned to it when I need a refill of the message. I normally do a New Years Eve retreat to prep my head and heart for the New Year. Each year I take several books, and this one always makes the trip.
The book covers ten guideposts containing themes like Self-Compassion, Gratitude, Trusting Faith and Meaningful Work. One guidepost is Cultivating Creativity. This title strikes fear in someone that still needs to turn in her third grade cotton ball lamb art project.
This is what Brene’ Brown had to say to me:
“I’m not very creative” doesn’t work. There’s no such thing as creative people and non-creative people. There are only people who use their creativity and people who don’t. Unused creativity doesn’t just disappear. It lives within us until it’s expressed, neglected to death, or suffocated by resentment and fear.
She goes on to say it does not matter what you do, but you need to do something- “cook, write, draw, doodle, paint, scrapbook, take pictures, collage, knit, rebuild an engine, dance, decorate, act, sing”. Don’t worry if you are good at it, just find something you enjoy or want to try.
Her books are available online and in stores everywhere. My favorite is Nashville’s independent bookstore Parnassus Books.