Thanks for visiting the blog! This week, we’re sharing snapshots from our team as they reflect on our time at the Global Leadership Summit in August. Keep reading to hear from Karen.
I’ve been able to attend GLS for the last seven years, and I’m so glad we make it a priority here at roux.
This year’s sessions were all incredible, but I have to say, I found Jason Dorsey’s to be the most interesting. He brought in all these comparisons of millennials, baby boomers, Gen X, and Gen Y, and how we can all learn from each other.
Dorsey’s session was full of hilarious, relatable nuggets like, “All you millenials who walk in here with nothing to write with, just look over, find a baby boomer, and ask for a pen because they brought two.”
He also talked about how millennials have grown up with all the technology that baby boomers saw coming into place. Different generations have unique experiences when it comes to technology, and that’s important for us to keep in mind.
One of my other major takeaways was from Chris Voss, who wrote the book, Never Split the Difference. He was a lead hostage negotiator for the FBI for almost 25 years, and his focus was on listening, word choice, and how words can make such a difference when you’re trying to negotiate with people or communicate in general.
One thing Voss pointed out was that it’s much better to say, “That’s right,” rather than “You’re right.” He explained that when you say, “You’re right,” you’re implying that you’re ready for the other person to stop talking. Similarly, he talked about how saying, “I understand,” implies to somebody that you want them to stop talking and move on. You may not mean it that way, but it often has that connotation.
Finally, he talked about how the word ‘why’ can make people uncomfortable, likening it to a situation when a child does something and you say, “Why did you do that?” The question implies that they did something wrong, and it causes them to be fearful. Instead, you should ask, “What makes you want that?” or “What makes you think that?”
It was wonderful hearing how powerful words can really be. They have the power to help you connect with others on an emotional level, rather than just talking at them. This is something we can benefit from remembering in our daily lives, whether at home, at work, or just in passing interactions.