I was born in Huntington, West Virginia, and I stayed there through college—I got a marketing degree from Marshall University. In 2012, right before my senior year at Marshall, I participated in a mission trip called the World Race where I traveled to 11 countries in 11 months, living out of a backpack on just a few dollars a day.
I never thought I would do something like the World Race, but I remember sitting in my college classes, thinking I wanted to do something that wasn’t about me, to get rid of all of my stuff and focus on serving other people. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. We traveled to the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, China, India, Nepal and the Philippines.
After that experience, I came back to finish my degree, and I just wanted to travel more. I really wanted to move to the Philippines because it was my favorite country from the World Race experience, and so I went back there for a few more months after graduating. I prayed a lot about whether I should stay or not, and I just wasn’t sure what I was going to do. It was either the Philippines or Nashville, and when the Philippines started to fall through, I picked a date and said, ‘On September 7th, I’m moving to Nashville.’ I didn’t have a job or anything lined up, but it all worked out, and I moved in 2014.